Flora recently commissioned a study along with the University of Leeds that revealed a tiny 1.6% of children's lunchboxes are meeting the school food national standards. Flora also found out that only 1 in 5 of lunchboxes contain any sort of vegetables or salad. When I saw these figures, I was shocked. I always try to add vegetables, fruit or salad into Maxwells lunchbox and I always try to aim to make Maxwell's lunch fun and tasty.
Recently I have started to create sandwich kebabs for Maxwell. Not only are these quick and easy for me to make and add into Maxwell's lunchbox, they are perfect for him to eat at school and he loves being able to eat something that looks different but is as nutritious as a sandwich. Maxwell's favourite sandwich kebabs include bread with a light spread of Flora, cheese, chicken and cucumber.
Like many children Maxwell likes to eat cakes and crisps however in a bid for healthier lunches, we have got rid of these and have introduced breadsticks, yoghurt covered raisins, fruit and more recently things such as home made banana bread.
Top Tips To Keep Packed Lunches Fun!
Don't be afraid to create shapes -
If your child loves sandwiches, why not buy sandwich cutters to make eating sandwiches a little more fun. Why not surprise your child with a mini zoo, farm or aquarium? Not only are sandwiches fun to create shapes with but you are also able to shape veg, fruit and salad.
Ask your child to help create their own packed lunch -
Every evening why not ask your child if they want to create their own packed lunch? Max is now at the age where he is wanting to become independent a little more and enjoys making his own choices. What is better than selecting items for him to add into his lunchbox - all of which are healthy and nutritious?
Colour is key -
Why not see if you can get small accessories to make your child's lunchbox bright and welcoming. Small plastic animal sticks are normally a huge hit in this house along with bright plastic pots which are easy to open which house fruit, veg or salad sticks. A bit of colour can make food look much more welcoming compared to a plastic tupperware and tinfoil meeting.
Mix it up -
Maxwell enjoys sandwich kebabs however he does not eat these daily. He is a child who loves surprises and loves me mixing up his lunch meals. How about creating chicken salad pastas, pizza wraps, egg dinosaur shaped sandwiches and tuna bagels - a different creation every school day of the week.
*This post is an entry for the #FloraLunchBox Linky Challenge sponsored by Flora. Check out their lunch planner and recipe ideas here.
*This post is an entry for the #FloraLunchBox Linky Challenge sponsored by Flora. Check out their lunch planner and recipe ideas here.
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