Today I present to you Matching Pairs. This task is simple to follow however the sheet also doubles up as a colouring sheet. When Maxwell completes this sheet, I ask him to copy the colouring of the pictures on the right hand side. I feel this added task keeps him occupied for that little longer. To take part in this activity all you and your child need to do is match up the animal pairs.
Showing posts with label Zoo. Show all posts
Zoo Matching Pairs & Free Download
Saturday, 28 May 2016
Preschool Activity,
Zoo Graphing Game & Free Printable
Friday, 27 May 2016
This is one of my favourite activities that I have managed to create for my blog. The whole concept of this activity is fun. All you simply need to do is print out the work sheet that goes with this activity and dice and fix it together and you are ready to go.
Preschool Activity,
Zoo Counting Practice & Free Printable
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Maxwell is a lover of numbers. He loves numbers and he loves counting. Today I am happy to share with you a counting printable which is a short and simple activity but allows and helps children to count. Welcome my zoo counting practice activity to Mummy To The Max.
Preschool Activity,
Zoo Cutting Page & Free Printable
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
This month I bring to you, Zoo Week. This month I thought it would be lovely to focus on zoo type of animals. This week I have a few fun printable for you to enjoy, a competition and a recipe. What is there not to love? Today I am sharing with you an activity which Maxwell enjoys doing - cutting practice.
Preschool Activity,
A Week Of Learning And New Experiences
Sunday, 16 June 2013
- Maxwell has become good at cleaning up after himself
- Maxwell and I are preparing to spend our first night away from one another
- Maxwell has a new friend who he takes EVERYWHERE
- Maxwell likes to climb
- Maxwell had a fun visit to the zoo
Recently we have seen a change in Maxwell. Instead of him leaving mess around the house, he now enjoys cleaning up after himself.
Maxwell puts his rubbish in the bin, puts his plate in the sink and cleans all his toys into his toy box. He also manages to put dirty washing in the washing machine but does not understand that it must be split into whites and colours. He really is a helpful little boy.
Maxwell and I are going to be apart for a whole night on Friday when I spread my wings and fly to Britmums. I have to say I am excited but scared. Maxwell is 18 months and is always by my side however I think it will be nice to have some time to myself and also get Maxwell used to me not being there for him all the time. The only thing which scares me is that I may end up missing something e.g his first real word.
Last week Maxwell and I were sent a prize we had won. It was a La-La Oopsies Dvd and a small doll. I was going to give the DVD and doll to my sister for her godchildren however Maxwell had other plans! As soon as he spotted the doll he clutched her in his little chubby hand and ever since La-La Oopsies has traveled everywhere with him. I am slightly scared she may go missing soon as Maxwell seems to mislay a lot of things. I am sending the DVD to Nanny's when he visits there on Friday.
This week has seen Maxwell climbing around the house but mostly on the sofa. He likes to climb up and try and scale the wall so he can sit on our window seat. I have told Maxwell several times that he could hurt himself but he enjoys watching the cars pass and occasionally likes to wave to people out the window.
We visted the zoo last Friday (You can read our review here). This is the second time Maxwell had visited and he really enjoyed himself. He loved seeing the animal's and he also loved running around the zoo. We had a fantastic time and I would definitely reccomend visiting.
La-La Oopsies,
New Experiences,
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